Thursday, August 17, 2006

Not Much to Blog About

The Morning Weigh in: I DON’T KNOW! Lalalaalala. Jajaajajaja. Hahahaha.

I don’t want to turn this blog into a political blog, so I wont. It’s supposed to be just about whatever I want to write about, and kind of an escape from things. At least, that’s what want to take from it.

I have a lot of friends who are going through relationship problems at the moment, and it makes me really sad because I feel all the time that I’m very much in love.

I said I wasn’t gonna blog about my relationship because hey, what good could come from that? I’ll keep that private, or if I care to talk about it, I’ll talk about it to you in person.

All you guys need to know is that I am in love forever, and that Jesse is the most amazing boy in the entire world. And that will be all on that.

I love you guys, I just wish there was more to blog about lol!

I guess I could talk about Christian Rock! Lol, Chris Tomlin’s actually pretty good. But whatever.

Bye all!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Today Has Not Been Good

Could that title become a theme? Perhaps. Am I just feeling sorry for myself? I dunno. Probably not, but then again I’m probably overreacting just a bit.

Oh well. On with the blog.

Morning Weigh-in: 212. lbs. My body is weird, what can I say?

So I went to school today. It blew. My teeth hurt like a bitch. Oh well. I couldn’t take my percocet because I had to drive. Boohoo.

I called in sick to work, then went to say hi to Jesse before going home, eating some potatoes, and picking him up from school so I could go back home and take some meds. I’m home and he’s been grounded by his mother but I’m holding off on the meds to alleviate my pain because he might be able to do something or something and I might have to go to the mall to buy a bag.

An unequivocally bad day.

Til’ Tomorrow.

Monday, August 14, 2006


That is the only way that I can describe the way I feel right now. I am completely and utterly uninspired with the state of things.

My life is amazing, hands down, sure thing. I have a mother who loves me and cares for me, a boy who I want to spend the rest of my life with, a job, and a brain that I think is going to take me pretty far in this journey.

Why then, am I so uninspired? I think I might have an answer, but maybe I’m just a fool who doesn’t really know why he’s talking about… but let me take a jab at it.

Some people can draw inspiration from just about anything. Unfortunately, I cannot. I have problems drawing inspiration from individuals, and usually require a “cause” of some sort. Only certain individuals can really give me inspiration and those would be Jesse, my Mother, and the random person who comes across every now and then and just… inspires me.

As for right now, I’m alone at the house and mom is gone at Dale’s house and Jesse is very busy at his house cleaning because his mother likes to keep him from me.

All in all this leaves me “uninspired.”

Would the “Dawson’s Creek Marathon” that I’m watching also place me into an uninspired mood?


First Blog of Re-Launch... Learning to Use Blogger... No Relationship Stuff... Except for the Amazing Parts... And Yeah.

Well, first of all I sort of want to explain the format of this blog. It will always start with a morning weigh-in. You see, I am a fat man in a constant fight to lose weight, and if I’m not fighting to lose it, actively gaining it. So it should be a fun tool for me to watch my weight loss/gain and for you all to ridicule of praise me. Whatever is clever.

I’m going to be talking about the everyday occurrences of my life, stuff on the job, at school, and things I do alone. Although I’m not generally alone because of my amazing boyfriend Jesse who I love and we spend all of the time together we can. I love him so much, he’s amazing!

I might blog to friends, or talk about friends, so if you don’t want to be blogged about… tell me please, and I wont.

And I wont ever blog about my relationship with my baby, Jesse because that stays between he and I.

And now… on with the post:

Morning Weigh-in: 220.4

I am a fat ass. The other day I weighed 207 I swear. Then I got my fucking wisdom teeth removed and the doctors started to make me eat potatoes. Constantly potatoes.

Potatoes make me fat.

Anyway, today I started school and it was not all that fun. I got to see Maggie and spend time with some friends, but all in all I am definitely not looking forward to this year. Here’s the rundown of my school schedule:

1) Film Study (Bush) – Mr. Bush is a fabulously gay man who teaches Drama and now, apparently, Film Study. It’s an amazing class filled with people I love (save for one nameless asshole whom you all can probably guess haha). And it’s going to be a year of watching movies. It’s going to be a blast.

2) AP English 7-8 (Henzel) – Henzel… what an amazing woman. What else can I say? She was an amazing English teacher my sophomore year, and she will be amazing this year. She’s a wonderful woman and I cant WAIT to have her for English again… And Maggie sits behind me in class!!!!!!

3) AP Government (Stiles) – New teacher, what can I say… there are some people I like in the class and Maggie sits behind me. Sweet.

4) Aide (McClaren) – I aide for the amazing Mrs. McClaren (PS She’s freaking amazing.)

After school today I had to go to traffic court. That was a drag.

Til tomorrow…

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Because All I Can do is Endure

Well, I guess I’m going to start blogging again. It will be a running commentary on anything I want it to be on that day. About the only consistent things about it will be the morning weigh-in (and yes, I do mean poundage). That will start tomorrow.

This blog was originally called the “Cause Enduring” because I fancied this blog as some sort of democratic youth rallying point… I have changed a whole hell of a lot since then, to say the least.

Now it’s title, “The Cause Enduring” focuses more on what we try to o everyday… to endure. Tomorrow, I will formally launch the new blog. Weigh-in and all.

I will try to post daily but as always… no promises.


Monday, July 10, 2006

The Dead Blog... Why I Wont Post About My Work if I Post at All... And Should I Blog or Not?

Ok, so...

This is still a blog, I guess. Even though I dont post here EVER, literally EVER...

I guess it's just nice to have a blog that I COULD post at if I WANTED to with a nice snappy title and good quote. But Whatever.

Maybe more posts in the future. Maybe not.

Friday, August 26, 2005

The past days... Illness... Six Feet Under Finale... Gotta have more cow bell... Club Serpico... and What I wanted to do today, and am doing tomorrow.

Sorry for the last few days of not blogging. I've been really busy... but here I am now!

So, I am sort of going to bounce around with this post. I will start with today, I suppose, because I will be able to recall more of what happened...

The day started at 5:30am, as always, and I woke up... clogged up, stuffed up, and dried up. Crap. I have the loathsome twice-per-year allergy-induced sickness that I abhor. Time to break out the Claritin-D, Robutussin, Advil, Tylenol, Alka Seltzer, Airborne, Emergen-C, those funny prescription pills, pseudaphed... yeah, you get it.

I was so stuffed up, that I used my personal steamer twice before I went to school, and took it to school with me. Yeah, I'm a dork. Who the hell takes a personal steamer with them to school? Also, in an uncaring manner, I took a roll of toilet paper with me to school, from which to blow my nose. Screw tissues. Toilet paper is softer, and provides for a lot more usage. Long story short, I got a lot of odd looks when I took out a roll of TP, and blew my nose. Meh, whatever.

Last Sunday, I had the Exalted group over to my house. It was fun, things happened. I'd rather not have it at my house in the future though. It's just easier at Darren's.

On Sunday night, however, my favorite show, Six Feet Under, was ending. I was sad, but I watched it. Oh man, oh man, oh man! What a show, what a show, what a show! The ending montage, priceless, the consolidation of plot, incredible! That last episode brought everything together in such a good way. Watch it.

So moving on... the other day, at school, my great friend Sergio (nickname Serpico) switched from 4th hour music theory to 1st hour, with me. Dude. This is going to be a sweet semester! Sergio told me about a band he had discovered while he was visiting Mexico this last summer. They're called Los Fabulosos Cadillacs. They're great. They're awesome. Their Latin beats, combined with syncopated rhythms make for an incredible musical experience. He and I tried to play it on the big Band Room speakers, but Mr. S wouldn’t allow it... here's where the fun starts.

Sergio and I started digging through cabinets in his office, looking for this 10 year old CD player that has been sitting somewhere or other in the Band Room for the past 9. We found it, tucked inside a closet. Then, he and I took it, and went back to the practice rooms, trying to open them up. Why Mr. S wasn't yelling at us at this point, I don't know, but we tried to open every single practice room, and when we got to the last one... eureka! It opened...

The last practice room... this is the sort of room that, when someone wants to throw something away... they just open the door, throw it, and try not to breathe while the door's open. Sergio and I, being the brave should we are, though, ventured in to the small circa 8x8 room, with our CD player, and sat down on two chairs.

The smell wasn’t actually as bad as one might have thought, actually. However, the room was full of trash... to paint a scene: the back right corner of the room had piles of sort of wet foam that was very mildew smelling. In the back left corner, some candy left over from my freshman year, in a bag. In the forward left corner, some old clothes, smelling of Jason Blomberg (ew). In the forward right corner, paint cans and utensils left over from... you guessed it... my freshman year.

And all over, there are old drum heads that some douche bag drummer just threw in there. Damn drummers.

So, Sergio and I put our stuff in the room and left, heading towards the bookstore to get his textbooks for the class. We enter the bookstore, and they are watching television, as always... we ask for the books, and while the elderly woman is in the back room, we hear on the television... none other than... Blue Oyster Cult's Fear the Reaper. Sergio and I look at each other, and we, nearly in synchronization, say "I gotta have more cowbell!" To make a long story short, we started saying it, and now the whole band wont stop saying it. Wonderful.

We walk back to the Band Room, reenacting the "Gotta have more cowbell" scene the whole way. Joyous.

We get back to the room, and head back to the practice room. I try to turn on the little CD player we got, and BOOM. There is a flash of light, and many sparks. Short Circuit. I freak, Sergio laughs. He and I then manage to get it started, and begin listening to Los Fabulosos. We find a tube of old lip gloss on the ground, and decide that the room needs some decoration, so he wrote "Los Fabulosos Cadillacs" on the soundproof tile, along with all the other vandalism. Lovely.

So we're sit there, and light bulbs go off over our heads. We decide that we need to turn this practice room into a cool place to be... a regular Studio 54. It will Be a place for the AP Music theory Students to hang out and do their shit. We begin to throw stuff away.

By the time we're done, the room looks great, and the bell rings. Thankfully, I have another band class after Music Theory. I decide I'd rather not play, so I stay in the room and begin to organize it. It's fucking COOL. We've got a piano, congas, a boom box I will be bringing in, writing on the walls, two tables, and chairs. Hell yes. I then sit down, and think about it.

"It needs a name" I think... "Club Serpico" I think. Sounds good. Sergio likes it, I conferred with him. I then decide that I am gonna bring in some posters. It'll be cool.

So, the plan was that I was going to go out with some friends tonight. Didn't happen. No one could, and many of us are sick. Joy. So, instead, I stayed at home, sporadically napped, watched "Real Time," and "Reservoir Dogs."

Tomorrow though, with John's mom, I am going to a Chicago and Earth, Wind, and Fire concert. It'll be fun, it'll be awesome, it'll be wonderful. Two bands I love. I'm looking forward to it.

On a last note. I am watching "Reservoir Dogs" right now, and I just remembered how awesome it is. I love that film, and Quentin Tarantino. Sweet.

Night everyone, stay in touch.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Saturday Spent up North... How Much I Absolutely Love Bylaws... DM3, and Sen., Chairman Mitchell.. .The Mormon Dance... And Why I Grow Impatient

Sorry for the posts that haven't been made these last few days, things have been busy. I am now, however, rested, and ready to write another installment of this new blog of mine.

So I woke up at 6am on Saturday in order to get myself ready, and get to ADP HQ on time. I got there early, and when I pulled up, was greeted by none other than E-Rog. We had a short discussion about how good the settlement against Merck was before Alicia pulled up.

Alicia informed us that DM3 was running late, and was probably going to head straight to Flagstaff, so we'd be carpooling with Jessica and Fletcher. No problems there, but E-Rog decided that she wanted something to eat, so we went to Jack in the Crack right down the road and got some French toast sticks.

We got back to the ADP, and she offered me some, so I bent downwards, took my hands, and wafted the scent towards my nose, and inhaled accordingly. She began to laugh at me, and said that I was "such a yuppy" and wafting scents was "such a yuppy thing to do." She then called me "Alex," a joke which at first, I did not understand... until she added the "Keaton" to it.

She then decided that it was her sole mission in life, that morning, to make people start calling me "Alex Keaton," you know, from Family Ties... yeah, that Alex Keaton... wasn't gonna fly.

Anyway, I had a French Toast Stick.

The drive up was fine... nothing too exciting happened.

We arrived at NAU, and immediately encountered Ruben and Tom Reade, then began to look for the room in which the YDAz Exec Board meeting would be taking place. We found it, and yes, it did smell like vomit... apparently it smelled much worse before we arrived, and only began to clear up when Tony opened the windows.

So the meeting is about to begin and I am standing there, holding my just-taken-off blazer in one hand, and a pen and pad of paper in the other... then it happened.

From the other side of the room I hear: "Hey Alex!" and, to my horror, I see, flying towards me, a canister of that damned syrup from the French Toast Sticks that E-Rog ordered.

Who in their right mind would throw a canister of maple syrup at someone? That just isn't something people do!

So, this thing is flying towards me, and I see the entire room sort of look over and begin to watch it, expecting an explosion of stickiness, followed by a Stephen hissy-fit. I make a feeble attempt at catching it, and Ruben Alonzo steps out of the way.

Thank god for packaging because, much to my relief, and E-Rog's dismay, it didn't pop open and turn me into an angry, sticky person.

Tony then, after the initial shock, made a side comment about how she decided to throw it at the only person who actually cared about their clothes... then E-Rog called me Alex again, but it never caught on... she still says it will though...

So, the meeting happens... The HS Caucus is created, and I am formally appointed chair, and the workers, and college caucuses are created. yay! Then some other stuff happened, like the "Change for Change," recurring donor club ( and then the real fun the reason we all are YD's... Bylaws amendments... basically, hell on earth...

I was planning for more on the bylaws, but I'll save that for the entry later this week after we actually finish the revisions.

The State Committee stuff went smoothly; elected DM3 Secretary, and Harry Mitchell Chairman, as well as a few other things... it was a good thing.

So we all headed home, and I picked up my car, and decided I would head to John's house, where I am right now, writing this blog entry. We needed something to do, so we called our now mutual friends Cory and Randon, and planned to go to a movie. Little did we know, we were in for so much more!

We ditched the movie, and decided to go to a dance at the local LDS church by John's house. Randon had an invite since he happens to be Mormon, so it was all cool... one thing, Cory and I were both drinking Venti Frappachino's at the time, we caught some backward glances from the older Mormons at the dance, but all-in-all, it was ok...

So everything was cool, dance was moderately fun, until I told some uncouth jokes, and we decided it was time to leave...

The night went on, and John, Cory and I were the only 3 left out of the original Valiant 4... so we decide to go to a burger joint... they were closed, so we got Chuy's instead.

What a day, I did a lot, and look forward to tomorrow, when I shall meet with my friends at 4pm, and rush to get homework done before and after they arrive. Joy.

Sleep well, world.